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A base class for Bayesian PRS models. This class defines the basic structure and methods that are common to most Bayesian PRS models. Specifically, this class provides methods and interfaces for initialization, harmonization, prediction, and fitting of Bayesian PRS models.

The class is generic is designed to be inherited and extended by specific Bayesian PRS models, such as LDPred and VIPRS.


Name Type Description

A GWADataLoader object containing harmonized GWAS summary statistics and Linkage-Disequilibrium (LD) matrices.


A dictionary where keys are chromosomes and values are the sample sizes per variant.


A dictionary where keys are chromosomes and values are the shapes of the variant arrays (e.g. the number of variants per chromosome).


The average per-SNP sample size.


The posterior inclusion probability.


The posterior mean for the effect sizes.


The posterior variance for the effect sizes.

Source code in viprs/model/
class BayesPRSModel:
    A base class for Bayesian PRS models. This class defines the basic structure and methods
    that are common to most Bayesian PRS models. Specifically, this class provides methods and interfaces
    for initialization, harmonization, prediction, and fitting of Bayesian PRS models.

    The class is generic is designed to be inherited and extended by
    specific Bayesian PRS models, such as `LDPred` and `VIPRS`.

    :ivar gdl: A GWADataLoader object containing harmonized GWAS summary statistics and
    Linkage-Disequilibrium (LD) matrices.
    :ivar Nj: A dictionary where keys are chromosomes and values are the sample sizes per variant.
    :ivar shapes: A dictionary where keys are chromosomes and values are the shapes of the variant arrays
    (e.g. the number of variants per chromosome).
    :ivar _sample_size: The average per-SNP sample size.
    :ivar pip: The posterior inclusion probability.
    :ivar post_mean_beta: The posterior mean for the effect sizes.
    :ivar post_var_beta: The posterior variance for the effect sizes.

    def __init__(self, gdl):
        Initialize the Bayesian PRS model.
        :param gdl: An instance of `GWADataLoader`.

        self.gdl = gdl

        # Sample size per SNP:
            self.Nj = {c: ss.n_per_snp.astype(float) for c, ss in gdl.sumstats_table.items()}
        except AttributeError:
            # If not provided, use the overall sample size:
            self.Nj = {c: np.repeat(gdl.n, c_size).astype(float) for c, c_size in gdl.shapes.items()}

        self.shapes = self.gdl.shapes.copy()

        # Determine the overall sample size:
        self._sample_size = dict_max(self.Nj)

        # Inferred model parameters:
        self.pip = None  # Posterior inclusion probability
        self.post_mean_beta = None  # The posterior mean for the effect sizes
        self.post_var_beta = None  # The posterior variance for the effect sizes

    def chromosomes(self):
        :return: The list of chromosomes that are included in the BayesPRSModel
        return sorted(list(self.shapes.keys()))

    def m(self) -> int:

        !!! seealso "See Also"
            * [n_snps][viprs.model.BayesPRSModel.BayesPRSModel.n_snps]

        :return: The number of variants in the model.
        return self.gdl.m

    def n(self) -> int:
        :return: The number of samples in the model. If not available, average the per-SNP
        sample sizes.
        return self._sample_size

    def n_snps(self) -> int:
        !!! seealso "See Also"
            * [m][viprs.model.BayesPRSModel.BayesPRSModel.m]

        :return: The number of SNPs in the model.
        return self.m

    def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
        A genetic method to fit the Bayesian PRS model. This method should be implemented by the
        specific Bayesian PRS model.
        :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_proportion_causal(self):
        A generic method to get an estimate of the proportion of causal variants.
        :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_heritability(self):
        A generic method to get an estimate of the heritability, or proportion of variance explained by SNPs.
        :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_pip(self):
        :return: The posterior inclusion probability for each variant in the model.
        return self.pip

    def get_posterior_mean_beta(self):
        :return: The posterior mean of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.
        return self.post_mean_beta

    def get_posterior_variance_beta(self):
        :return: The posterior variance of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.
        return self.post_var_beta

    def predict(self, test_gdl=None):
        Given the inferred effect sizes, predict the phenotype for the training samples in
        the GWADataLoader object or new test samples. If `test_gdl` is not provided, genotypes
        from training samples will be used (if available).

        :param test_gdl: A GWADataLoader object containing genotype data for new test samples.
        :raises ValueError: If the posterior means for BETA are not set. AssertionError if the GWADataLoader object
        does not contain genotype data.

        if self.post_mean_beta is None:
            raise ValueError("The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first.")

        if test_gdl is None:
            assert self.gdl.genotype is not None, "The GWADataLoader object must contain genotype data."
            test_gdl = self.gdl
            post_mean_beta = self.post_mean_beta
            _, post_mean_beta, _ = self.harmonize_data(gdl=test_gdl)

        return test_gdl.predict(post_mean_beta)

    def harmonize_data(self, gdl=None, parameter_table=None):
        Harmonize the inferred effect sizes with a new GWADataLoader object. This method is useful
        when the user wants to predict on new samples or when the effect sizes are inferred from a
        different set of samples. The method aligns the effect sizes with the SNP table in the
        GWADataLoader object.

        :param gdl: An instance of `GWADataLoader` object.
        :param parameter_table: A `pandas` DataFrame of variant effect sizes.

        :return: A tuple of the harmonized posterior inclusion probability, posterior mean for the effect sizes,
        and posterior variance for the effect sizes.


        if gdl is None and parameter_table is None:

        if gdl is None:
            gdl = self.gdl

        if parameter_table is None:
            parameter_table = self.to_table(per_chromosome=True)
            parameter_table = {c: parameter_table.loc[parameter_table['CHR'] == c, ]
                               for c in parameter_table['CHR'].unique()}

        snp_tables = gdl.to_snp_table(col_subset=['SNP', 'A1', 'A2'],

        pip = {}
        post_mean_beta = {}
        post_var_beta = {}

        common_chroms = sorted(list(set(snp_tables.keys()).intersection(set(parameter_table.keys()))))

        from magenpy.utils.model_utils import merge_snp_tables

        for c in common_chroms:

                post_mean_cols = expand_column_names('BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)
                pip_cols = expand_column_names('PIP', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)
                post_var_cols = expand_column_names('VAR_BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)

            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                pip_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns if 'PIP' in col]
                post_var_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns if 'VAR_BETA' in col]
                post_mean_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns
                                  if 'BETA' in col and col not in post_var_cols]

            # Merge the effect table with the GDL SNP table:
            c_df = merge_snp_tables(snp_tables[c], parameter_table[c], how='left',

            if len(c_df) < len(snp_tables[c]):
                raise ValueError("The parameter table could not aligned with the reference SNP table. This may due to "
                                 "conflicts/errors in use of reference vs. alternative alleles.")

            # Obtain the values for the posterior mean:
            c_df[post_mean_cols] = c_df[post_mean_cols].fillna(0.)
            post_mean_beta[c] = c_df[post_mean_cols].values

            # Obtain the values for the posterior inclusion probability:
            if len(set(pip_cols).intersection(set(c_df.columns))) > 0:
                c_df[pip_cols] = c_df[pip_cols].fillna(0.)
                pip[c] = c_df[pip_cols].values

            # Obtain the values for the posterior variance:
            if len(set(post_var_cols).intersection(set(c_df.columns))) > 0:
                c_df[post_var_cols] = c_df[post_var_cols].fillna(0.)
                post_var_beta[c] = c_df[post_var_cols].values

        if len(pip) < 1:
            pip = None

        if len(post_var_beta) < 1:
            post_var_beta = None

        return pip, post_mean_beta, post_var_beta

    def to_table(self, col_subset=('CHR', 'SNP', 'POS', 'A1', 'A2'), per_chromosome=False):
        Output the posterior estimates for the effect sizes to a pandas dataframe.
        :param col_subset: The subset of columns to include in the tables (in addition to the effect sizes).
        :param per_chromosome: If True, return a separate table for each chromosome.

        :return: A pandas Dataframe with the posterior estimates for the effect sizes.

        if self.post_mean_beta is None:
            raise Exception("The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first.")

        tables = self.gdl.to_snp_table(col_subset=col_subset, per_chromosome=True)

        for c in self.chromosomes:

            cols_to_add = []

            mean_beta_df = pd.DataFrame(self.post_mean_beta[c],
                                        columns=expand_column_names('BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape),

            if self.pip is not None:
                pip_df = pd.DataFrame(self.pip[c],
                                      columns=expand_column_names('PIP', self.pip[c].shape),

            if self.post_var_beta is not None:
                var_beta_df = pd.DataFrame(self.post_var_beta[c],
                                           columns=expand_column_names('VAR_BETA', self.post_var_beta[c].shape),

            tables[c] = pd.concat([tables[c]] + cols_to_add, axis=1)

        if per_chromosome:
            return tables
            return pd.concat([tables[c] for c in self.chromosomes])

    def pseudo_validate(self, test_gdl, metric='r2'):
        Evaluate the prediction accuracy of the inferred PRS using external GWAS summary statistics.

        :param test_gdl: A `GWADataLoader` object with the external GWAS summary statistics and LD matrix information.
        :param metric: The metric to use for evaluation. Options: 'r2' or 'pearson_correlation'.

        :return: The pseudo-validation metric.

        from ..eval.pseudo_metrics import pseudo_r2, pseudo_pearson_r

        metric = metric.lower()

        assert self.post_mean_beta is not None, "The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first."

        if metric in ('pearson_correlation', 'corr', 'r'):
            return pseudo_pearson_r(test_gdl, self.to_table(per_chromosome=False))
        elif metric == 'r2':
            return pseudo_r2(test_gdl, self.to_table(per_chromosome=False))
            raise KeyError(f"Pseudo validation metric ({metric}) not recognized. "
                           f"Options are: 'r2' or 'pearson_correlation'.")

    def set_model_parameters(self, parameter_table):
        Parses a pandas dataframe with model parameters and assigns them 
        to the corresponding class attributes. 

        For example: 
            * Columns with `BETA`, will be assigned to `self.post_mean_beta`.
            * Columns with `PIP` will be assigned to `self.pip`.
            * Columns with `VAR_BETA`, will be assigned to `self.post_var_beta`.

        :param parameter_table: A pandas table or dataframe.

        self.pip, self.post_mean_beta, self.post_var_beta = self.harmonize_data(parameter_table=parameter_table)

    def read_inferred_parameters(self, f_names, sep=r"\s+"):
        Read a file with the inferred parameters.
        :param f_names: A path (or list of paths) to the file with the effect sizes.
        :param sep: The delimiter for the file(s).

        if isinstance(f_names, str):
            f_names = [f_names]

        param_table = []

        for f_name in f_names:
            param_table.append(pd.read_csv(f_name, sep=sep))

        if len(param_table) > 0:
            param_table = pd.concat(param_table)
            raise FileNotFoundError

    def write_inferred_parameters(self, f_name, per_chromosome=False, sep="\t"):
        A convenience method to write the inferred posterior for the effect sizes to file.

            * Support outputting scoring files compatible with PGS catalog format:

        :param f_name: The filename (or directory) where to write the effect sizes
        :param per_chromosome: If True, write a file for each chromosome separately.
        :param sep: The delimiter for the file (tab by default).

        tables = self.to_table(per_chromosome=per_chromosome)

        if '.fit' not in f_name:
            ext = '.fit'
            ext = ''

        if per_chromosome:
            for c, tab in tables.items():
                    tab.to_csv(osp.join(f_name, f'chr_{c}.fit'), sep=sep, index=False)
                except Exception as e:
                    raise e
                tables.to_csv(f_name + ext, sep=sep, index=False)
            except Exception as e:
                raise e

chromosomes property


Type Description

The list of chromosomes that are included in the BayesPRSModel

m property

See Also


Type Description

The number of variants in the model.

n property


Type Description

The number of samples in the model. If not available, average the per-SNP sample sizes.

n_snps property

See Also


Type Description

The number of SNPs in the model.


Initialize the Bayesian PRS model.


Name Type Description Default

An instance of GWADataLoader.

Source code in viprs/model/
def __init__(self, gdl):
    Initialize the Bayesian PRS model.
    :param gdl: An instance of `GWADataLoader`.

    self.gdl = gdl

    # Sample size per SNP:
        self.Nj = {c: ss.n_per_snp.astype(float) for c, ss in gdl.sumstats_table.items()}
    except AttributeError:
        # If not provided, use the overall sample size:
        self.Nj = {c: np.repeat(gdl.n, c_size).astype(float) for c, c_size in gdl.shapes.items()}

    self.shapes = self.gdl.shapes.copy()

    # Determine the overall sample size:
    self._sample_size = dict_max(self.Nj)

    # Inferred model parameters:
    self.pip = None  # Posterior inclusion probability
    self.post_mean_beta = None  # The posterior mean for the effect sizes
    self.post_var_beta = None  # The posterior variance for the effect sizes

fit(*args, **kwargs)

A genetic method to fit the Bayesian PRS model. This method should be implemented by the specific Bayesian PRS model.


Type Description

If the method is not implemented in the child class.

Source code in viprs/model/
def fit(self, *args, **kwargs):
    A genetic method to fit the Bayesian PRS model. This method should be implemented by the
    specific Bayesian PRS model.
    :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
    raise NotImplementedError


A generic method to get an estimate of the heritability, or proportion of variance explained by SNPs.


Type Description

If the method is not implemented in the child class.

Source code in viprs/model/
def get_heritability(self):
    A generic method to get an estimate of the heritability, or proportion of variance explained by SNPs.
    :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
    raise NotImplementedError



Type Description

The posterior inclusion probability for each variant in the model.

Source code in viprs/model/
def get_pip(self):
    :return: The posterior inclusion probability for each variant in the model.
    return self.pip



Type Description

The posterior mean of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.

Source code in viprs/model/
def get_posterior_mean_beta(self):
    :return: The posterior mean of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.
    return self.post_mean_beta



Type Description

The posterior variance of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.

Source code in viprs/model/
def get_posterior_variance_beta(self):
    :return: The posterior variance of the effect sizes (BETA) for each variant in the model.
    return self.post_var_beta


A generic method to get an estimate of the proportion of causal variants.


Type Description

If the method is not implemented in the child class.

Source code in viprs/model/
def get_proportion_causal(self):
    A generic method to get an estimate of the proportion of causal variants.
    :raises NotImplementedError: If the method is not implemented in the child class.
    raise NotImplementedError

harmonize_data(gdl=None, parameter_table=None)

Harmonize the inferred effect sizes with a new GWADataLoader object. This method is useful when the user wants to predict on new samples or when the effect sizes are inferred from a different set of samples. The method aligns the effect sizes with the SNP table in the GWADataLoader object.


Name Type Description Default

An instance of GWADataLoader object.


A pandas DataFrame of variant effect sizes.



Type Description

A tuple of the harmonized posterior inclusion probability, posterior mean for the effect sizes, and posterior variance for the effect sizes.

Source code in viprs/model/
def harmonize_data(self, gdl=None, parameter_table=None):
    Harmonize the inferred effect sizes with a new GWADataLoader object. This method is useful
    when the user wants to predict on new samples or when the effect sizes are inferred from a
    different set of samples. The method aligns the effect sizes with the SNP table in the
    GWADataLoader object.

    :param gdl: An instance of `GWADataLoader` object.
    :param parameter_table: A `pandas` DataFrame of variant effect sizes.

    :return: A tuple of the harmonized posterior inclusion probability, posterior mean for the effect sizes,
    and posterior variance for the effect sizes.


    if gdl is None and parameter_table is None:

    if gdl is None:
        gdl = self.gdl

    if parameter_table is None:
        parameter_table = self.to_table(per_chromosome=True)
        parameter_table = {c: parameter_table.loc[parameter_table['CHR'] == c, ]
                           for c in parameter_table['CHR'].unique()}

    snp_tables = gdl.to_snp_table(col_subset=['SNP', 'A1', 'A2'],

    pip = {}
    post_mean_beta = {}
    post_var_beta = {}

    common_chroms = sorted(list(set(snp_tables.keys()).intersection(set(parameter_table.keys()))))

    from magenpy.utils.model_utils import merge_snp_tables

    for c in common_chroms:

            post_mean_cols = expand_column_names('BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)
            pip_cols = expand_column_names('PIP', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)
            post_var_cols = expand_column_names('VAR_BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape)

        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            pip_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns if 'PIP' in col]
            post_var_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns if 'VAR_BETA' in col]
            post_mean_cols = [col for col in parameter_table[c].columns
                              if 'BETA' in col and col not in post_var_cols]

        # Merge the effect table with the GDL SNP table:
        c_df = merge_snp_tables(snp_tables[c], parameter_table[c], how='left',

        if len(c_df) < len(snp_tables[c]):
            raise ValueError("The parameter table could not aligned with the reference SNP table. This may due to "
                             "conflicts/errors in use of reference vs. alternative alleles.")

        # Obtain the values for the posterior mean:
        c_df[post_mean_cols] = c_df[post_mean_cols].fillna(0.)
        post_mean_beta[c] = c_df[post_mean_cols].values

        # Obtain the values for the posterior inclusion probability:
        if len(set(pip_cols).intersection(set(c_df.columns))) > 0:
            c_df[pip_cols] = c_df[pip_cols].fillna(0.)
            pip[c] = c_df[pip_cols].values

        # Obtain the values for the posterior variance:
        if len(set(post_var_cols).intersection(set(c_df.columns))) > 0:
            c_df[post_var_cols] = c_df[post_var_cols].fillna(0.)
            post_var_beta[c] = c_df[post_var_cols].values

    if len(pip) < 1:
        pip = None

    if len(post_var_beta) < 1:
        post_var_beta = None

    return pip, post_mean_beta, post_var_beta


Given the inferred effect sizes, predict the phenotype for the training samples in the GWADataLoader object or new test samples. If test_gdl is not provided, genotypes from training samples will be used (if available).


Name Type Description Default

A GWADataLoader object containing genotype data for new test samples.



Type Description

If the posterior means for BETA are not set. AssertionError if the GWADataLoader object does not contain genotype data.

Source code in viprs/model/
def predict(self, test_gdl=None):
    Given the inferred effect sizes, predict the phenotype for the training samples in
    the GWADataLoader object or new test samples. If `test_gdl` is not provided, genotypes
    from training samples will be used (if available).

    :param test_gdl: A GWADataLoader object containing genotype data for new test samples.
    :raises ValueError: If the posterior means for BETA are not set. AssertionError if the GWADataLoader object
    does not contain genotype data.

    if self.post_mean_beta is None:
        raise ValueError("The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first.")

    if test_gdl is None:
        assert self.gdl.genotype is not None, "The GWADataLoader object must contain genotype data."
        test_gdl = self.gdl
        post_mean_beta = self.post_mean_beta
        _, post_mean_beta, _ = self.harmonize_data(gdl=test_gdl)

    return test_gdl.predict(post_mean_beta)

pseudo_validate(test_gdl, metric='r2')

Evaluate the prediction accuracy of the inferred PRS using external GWAS summary statistics.


Name Type Description Default

A GWADataLoader object with the external GWAS summary statistics and LD matrix information.


The metric to use for evaluation. Options: 'r2' or 'pearson_correlation'.



Type Description

The pseudo-validation metric.

Source code in viprs/model/
def pseudo_validate(self, test_gdl, metric='r2'):
    Evaluate the prediction accuracy of the inferred PRS using external GWAS summary statistics.

    :param test_gdl: A `GWADataLoader` object with the external GWAS summary statistics and LD matrix information.
    :param metric: The metric to use for evaluation. Options: 'r2' or 'pearson_correlation'.

    :return: The pseudo-validation metric.

    from ..eval.pseudo_metrics import pseudo_r2, pseudo_pearson_r

    metric = metric.lower()

    assert self.post_mean_beta is not None, "The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first."

    if metric in ('pearson_correlation', 'corr', 'r'):
        return pseudo_pearson_r(test_gdl, self.to_table(per_chromosome=False))
    elif metric == 'r2':
        return pseudo_r2(test_gdl, self.to_table(per_chromosome=False))
        raise KeyError(f"Pseudo validation metric ({metric}) not recognized. "
                       f"Options are: 'r2' or 'pearson_correlation'.")

read_inferred_parameters(f_names, sep='\\s+')

Read a file with the inferred parameters.


Name Type Description Default

A path (or list of paths) to the file with the effect sizes.


The delimiter for the file(s).

Source code in viprs/model/
def read_inferred_parameters(self, f_names, sep=r"\s+"):
    Read a file with the inferred parameters.
    :param f_names: A path (or list of paths) to the file with the effect sizes.
    :param sep: The delimiter for the file(s).

    if isinstance(f_names, str):
        f_names = [f_names]

    param_table = []

    for f_name in f_names:
        param_table.append(pd.read_csv(f_name, sep=sep))

    if len(param_table) > 0:
        param_table = pd.concat(param_table)
        raise FileNotFoundError


Parses a pandas dataframe with model parameters and assigns them to the corresponding class attributes.

For example: * Columns with BETA, will be assigned to self.post_mean_beta. * Columns with PIP will be assigned to self.pip. * Columns with VAR_BETA, will be assigned to self.post_var_beta.


Name Type Description Default

A pandas table or dataframe.

Source code in viprs/model/
def set_model_parameters(self, parameter_table):
    Parses a pandas dataframe with model parameters and assigns them 
    to the corresponding class attributes. 

    For example: 
        * Columns with `BETA`, will be assigned to `self.post_mean_beta`.
        * Columns with `PIP` will be assigned to `self.pip`.
        * Columns with `VAR_BETA`, will be assigned to `self.post_var_beta`.

    :param parameter_table: A pandas table or dataframe.

    self.pip, self.post_mean_beta, self.post_var_beta = self.harmonize_data(parameter_table=parameter_table)

to_table(col_subset=('CHR', 'SNP', 'POS', 'A1', 'A2'), per_chromosome=False)

Output the posterior estimates for the effect sizes to a pandas dataframe.


Name Type Description Default

The subset of columns to include in the tables (in addition to the effect sizes).

('CHR', 'SNP', 'POS', 'A1', 'A2')

If True, return a separate table for each chromosome.



Type Description

A pandas Dataframe with the posterior estimates for the effect sizes.

Source code in viprs/model/
def to_table(self, col_subset=('CHR', 'SNP', 'POS', 'A1', 'A2'), per_chromosome=False):
    Output the posterior estimates for the effect sizes to a pandas dataframe.
    :param col_subset: The subset of columns to include in the tables (in addition to the effect sizes).
    :param per_chromosome: If True, return a separate table for each chromosome.

    :return: A pandas Dataframe with the posterior estimates for the effect sizes.

    if self.post_mean_beta is None:
        raise Exception("The posterior means for BETA are not set. Call `.fit()` first.")

    tables = self.gdl.to_snp_table(col_subset=col_subset, per_chromosome=True)

    for c in self.chromosomes:

        cols_to_add = []

        mean_beta_df = pd.DataFrame(self.post_mean_beta[c],
                                    columns=expand_column_names('BETA', self.post_mean_beta[c].shape),

        if self.pip is not None:
            pip_df = pd.DataFrame(self.pip[c],
                                  columns=expand_column_names('PIP', self.pip[c].shape),

        if self.post_var_beta is not None:
            var_beta_df = pd.DataFrame(self.post_var_beta[c],
                                       columns=expand_column_names('VAR_BETA', self.post_var_beta[c].shape),

        tables[c] = pd.concat([tables[c]] + cols_to_add, axis=1)

    if per_chromosome:
        return tables
        return pd.concat([tables[c] for c in self.chromosomes])

write_inferred_parameters(f_name, per_chromosome=False, sep='\t')

A convenience method to write the inferred posterior for the effect sizes to file.

TODO: * Support outputting scoring files compatible with PGS catalog format:


Name Type Description Default

The filename (or directory) where to write the effect sizes


If True, write a file for each chromosome separately.


The delimiter for the file (tab by default).

Source code in viprs/model/
def write_inferred_parameters(self, f_name, per_chromosome=False, sep="\t"):
    A convenience method to write the inferred posterior for the effect sizes to file.

        * Support outputting scoring files compatible with PGS catalog format:

    :param f_name: The filename (or directory) where to write the effect sizes
    :param per_chromosome: If True, write a file for each chromosome separately.
    :param sep: The delimiter for the file (tab by default).

    tables = self.to_table(per_chromosome=per_chromosome)

    if '.fit' not in f_name:
        ext = '.fit'
        ext = ''

    if per_chromosome:
        for c, tab in tables.items():
                tab.to_csv(osp.join(f_name, f'chr_{c}.fit'), sep=sep, index=False)
            except Exception as e:
                raise e
            tables.to_csv(f_name + ext, sep=sep, index=False)
        except Exception as e:
            raise e