API Reference
- BayesPRSModel: A base class for all Bayesian PRS models.
- VIPRS: Implementation of VIPRS with the "spike-and-slab" prior.
- Implementation of VIPRS with other priors:
- VIPRSMix: VIPRS with a sparse Gaussian mixture prior.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: Models/modules for performing hyperparameter search with
- Baseline Models:
- LDPredInf: Implementation of the LDPred-inf model.
Model Evaluation
- Data utilities: Utilities for downloading and processing relevant data.
- Compute utilities: Utilities for computing various statistics / quantities over python data structures.
- Exceptions: Custom exceptions used in the package.
- OptimizeResult: A class to store the result of an optimization routine.
- Diagnostic plots: Functions for plotting various quantities / results from VIPRS or other PRS models.